購入をご検討の方For customers considering a purchase

密かに注目されています。Loose diamonds are attracting interest
as options to safeguard assets.

皆さまにお届けしています。Unstable financial markets, made worse by the COVID-19 crisis, have increased the demand for asset protection. Loose diamonds are an option to meet this demand. Do not let a volatile economy tarnish your hard earned assets. With diamonds, your portfolio will glow. Joliesse offers only high quality, loose diamonds priced in line with the international market.

ジョリエスのダイヤモンド品質基準 >

High standards of quality of Joliesse diamonds

購入をご検討の方For customers considering a purchase

ルースダイヤモンドとは?What are Loose Diamonds?

商品として国際的に取引されています。"Loose" means,"bare, unmounted" stones. They are diamonds that have been cut and polished but not set into jewelry. They are an internationally traded commodity.

品質を決める4つの「CThe four "C"s that determine quality.

4つの「C」をもとになされています。The quality of a diamonds is determined by four "C"s; Carat, Color, Clarity and Cut.

  • Carat

    カラット/重さCarat Grade

    カラット(ct)はダイヤモンドのサイズではなく、重量を表す単位で1ct=0.2gに相当します。ジョリエスでは、資産価値があるダイヤモンドの目安とされる0.5ct以上のダイヤモンドのみを取り扱っています。The carat (ct) is not the size of a diamond but a unit of weight. One ct is 0.2 grams.
    Joliesse only carries diamonds of 0.5ct or larger, the minimum size for asset protection value.*

  • Color

    カラー/色Color Grade

    ダイヤモンドには様々な色があり、無色のものほどグレードが上がります。カラーの基準にはD(無色)〜Z(薄い黄色)まで23段階のグレードがありますが、ジョリエスではD~F(無色)グレードのみを取り扱っています。Diamonds have various colors with the less color being the higher grades. There are 23 grades of color: D for no color and Z for pale yellow. Joliesse offers only grades D through F.

  • Clarity

    クラリティ/透明度Clarity Grade

    クラリティとは、石の表面と内部の小さなキズや不純物の評価です。最高のFLから、IF、VVS、VS、SI、Iまで6段階のクラスがあり、ジョリエスでは、10倍拡大レンズでもキズの発見がやや難しいとされるVSクラス以上を扱っています。Clarity is the assessment of flaws and impurities within the stone or on its surface. There are 6 levels of Clarity; FL being the best followed by IF, VVS, VS, SI and I. VS means that flaws are difficult to find at x10 magnification. Joliesse carries only VS or higher.

  • Cut

    カット/形状Cut Grade

    カットはダイヤモンドの輝きを左右するとても重要な要素で、ラウンド型については、理想的なプロポーションとされるExellentからPoorまでの5段階で評価されます。ジョリエスでは、Very Good以上を取り扱っています。The cut of a diamond significantly affects its brilliance. There are 5 levels that grade a diamond on its roundness and proportion; Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair and poor. Joliesse offers only stones that are superior to Very Good.

*While a firm definition of which is the minimum size for protecting assets does not exist, 0.5 ct is the most commonly accepted.

4C Grade Chart

注目されているのか。Reasons loose diamonds
are attracting interest as low risk assets.

安定して守る資産防衛の視点へ。With the abnormal expansion of money markets, diamonds offer stability and security.

  • 金融市場の
    膨張と不安定感Expansion and instability
    of financial markets

    資産運用の王道ともいえる株式や債券の価格は、リーマンショック以降上昇しつづけており、その異常な膨張に違和感を感じている専門家も少なくありません。また、不動産も価格が高く、利回りの観点からも気軽に投資できる状況ではありません。安定資産と言われるゴールドやプラチナも価格上昇がつづき、金融資産の異常な膨張が感じられます。いつ暴落してもおかしくない不安定な状況と言えるでしょう。The values of stocks and bonds that are the major part of asset management continue to increase after the subprime mortgage crisis. The markets sense something is not right in the abnormal expansion. It might not be appropriate to invest in real estate today, even from the point of view of a yield perspective. The unusual expansion of assets is evidenced by the rising prices of gold and platinum that are regarded as stable assets. A financial market crash is anticipated at any moment.

  • 急激な上昇も暴落も無い
    安定した相場Stable market price
    with out drastic changes in value.

    ゴールドやダイヤモンドは金利を生まない商品なので、資産運用にはあまり向いていません。特にダイヤモンドはゴールドと違い、資産運用のポートフォリオ構成にも含まれず、大幅な価格上昇は期待できないものの、暴落することもなく、確実・堅調に価値を維持できる安定資産の最たるものです。現在の不安定な金融市場を鑑みると、資産を分散して確実に守るという観点から、打って付けの資産商品と言えます。Precious metals and precious stones are not suitable for asset management as they do not yield interest. Unlike gold, diamonds are not included in asset portfolios. Loose diamonds reign supreme as a stable asset. They are not expected to increase in value but they do not depreciate either. Considering today’s market volatility from the perspective of safeguarding your assets, diamonds are the most secure vehicle.

  • デザインやブランドネームの
    付加価値が付かなく割安Comparatively low price as no design
    or brand name associations to add value.

    ジュエリーとしてのダイヤモンドの場合、製作加工費だけでなくデザインやブランド価値が付加され、一流ブランドであるほどその価格が高くなります。その点ルースであれば、ある一定の国際相場価格(※)と、販売手数料のみでご提供可能。つまり、不確定な価値要因がない割安な資産と言えます。※ダイヤモンドの価格は「需要と供給による価格変動」「外国為替相場」「流通経路コスト」の3つの要因と、 品質によって決まります。Diamonds set in jewelry have costs associated with the fabrication of the piece as well the brand name. The more prestigious these associated factors are, the higher the cost. Loose diamonds, however, trade at international market prices*plus sales commission. They are a comparatively low cost asset devoid of destabilizing factors.
    *International market prices are set by fluctuations in supply-demand, foreign exchange rates and the cost of distribution channels, and their qualities as well.

  • ダイヤモンドの
    物的な資産特性Physical properties
    of diamonds as assets.

    ダイヤモンドは小さく軽いのに高価値であり、所持する上で、大きな場所も取らず保管性にたいへん優れています。また、所持しているルースダイヤモンドを、リングやペンダントに加工(※)して利用することもできますし、硬質で品質がほとんど変化しないため、再びルースに戻すことも容易です。紙幣に比べ、価値を失うリスクが低いのも大きな特長です。※ジュエリー加工へのご依頼も承っております。Diamonds have high value despite their small size and light weight. Their small size means they are easy to store. Unlike other assets, your loose diamonds can be worn by being processed into rings, pendants or earrings*. They can easily be restored to loose diamonds due to their hardness and physical stability. They do not deteriorate. A notable feature is that they have less risk of losing their value than banknotes.
    *We cordially accept requests for processing your loose diamonds into jewelry.

購入をご検討の方For customers considering a purchase

ジョリエスのルースダイヤモンドJoliesse loose diamonds

取り扱い品質基準を独自に設けています。In order to offer only the best diamonds, we have set our own quality assurance program with strict quality criteria.

  • 高品質のダイヤモンド
    のみをご提供We offer high quality diamonds only.

    【 ジョリエスの4C基準 】The 4C criteria of Joliesse

    ●カラット/重さ:0.5ct以上 (1ct = 0.2g)
    ●カラー/色:D~Fグレード (無色)
    ●カット/形:Very Good以上
    ●希少なカラーダイヤモンドも取り扱っています。Joliesse sets the following high quality criteria for the diamonds we carry.
    ●Carat weight : Greater than 0.5 ct (1 ct = 0.2 g)
    ●Color Grade : Grade D to F (no color)
    ●Clarity Grade : Higher that Class VS
    ●Cut Grade : Better than Very-Good
    In order to preserve your assets, we offer only excellent diamonds.

    4C Grade Chart

  • 世界的に権威のある
    鑑定機関の鑑定書付きWe provide our diamonds with internationally authorized certificates.

    【 GIA と CGL 】GIA and CGL

    ●CGL(中央宝石研究所):日本の鑑定機関です。Diamonds are finely graded. There are several grade certification authorities worldwide, thus there are various evaluations. Joliesse provides our diamonds with certificates from one of two trusted authorities, GIA or CGL.
    ●GIA : Gemological Institute of America / U.S
    ●CGL : Central Gem Laboratory / Japan

    Report Sample

  • 様々なカットシェイプの
    ダイヤモンドをご用意We provide various cut and shape of diamonds.

    【 カットシェイプ 】Cuts/Shapes

    • ●Round:ラウンドカット
    • ●Emerald:エメラルドカット
    • ●Pear-Shape:ペアシェイプカット
    • ●Cushion:クッションカット
    • ●Princess:プリンセスカット
    • ●Oval:オーバルカット
    There are many cuts/shapes of diamonds. Joliesse offer the following.
    • ●Round
    • ●Emerald
    • ●Pear-Shape
    • ●Cushion
    • ●Princess
    • ●Oval
    We also offer various modified cuts on request.

    Cut / Shape Pattern

  • 価値ある価格で
    ご提供We offer values greater than the price.

    【 提供できる理由 】Reasons of the valuable offer

    といった点が挙げられます。こうした、長年の取り扱い実績と信用を通して、様々な独自ルートを構築してきたからこそ、高品質を価値ある価格でご提供できるのです。Joliesse offers higher value loose diamonds than other dealers for the same price. We are uniquely able to do this for the following reasons.
    ●Hidden costs such as jewelry settings are not added.
    ●Our diamonds are offered at international market quotations plus sales commission only.
    ●Simple, direct sales routes through carefully selected brokers, and
    ●Direct transactions with producer countries, which include South Africa, Russia, Belgium and India.
    Joliesse alone can offer loose diamonds worth more than our price to you because we have built our own sales routes through our long standing record and reputation.

    Business Style >

購入をご検討の方For customers considering a purchase

  • ジョリエスは40年以上の
    ハイジュエリー販売実績Joliesse has over 40 years experience selling high quality jewelry.

    About Us >

  • ルースダイヤモンドの
    購入をご検討の方Customers who are considering purchasing.

    Business Style >

ご購入方法How to purchase loose diamonds.

お気軽にご相談ください。Joliesse provides several methods to purchase loose diamonds.
Please feel free to consult with us.

  • ご来店In Store Sales

    ●営業時間/11:00~20:00We are open year round except for the end and beginning of the year (Dec. 30-Jan. 03) and between Aug. 13 and Aug. 15.
    ●Business hours: 11:00 am-8:00 pm daily.

    Shop Info >

  • ご訪問Door to Door Sales

    担当者がご指定の場所へ訪問して商談させていただきます。(原則として関東地区のみ)The customer designates a place to meet with a sales representative. (Kanto region as a general rule.)

    Contact Us >

  • 通信販売Mail Order Sales

    商品受け取りの際、損傷や人が手を加えた痕跡などないか、良くご確認ください。It is also possible to order via email or over the phone.
    Free of charge within Japan.
    Cash on Delivery. No handling charge. Credit cards accepted.
    No returns accepted.
    Please carefully check upon receipt for scratches or modifications.

    Business Style >